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Maximum Muscle Mass

Find the amazing secrets of a pro natural bodybuilder that gained so much muscle mass he's actually been suspended from stepping onstage actually though he passed the drug test!

Morris Mendez is the author of a revolutionary new training protocol called Maximum Muscle Mass. He shares the secrets that took him to professional level as a natural drug free bodybuilder. What he is about to give you in this ebook will change the muscle building tables in your favor and piss of the so called experts.

This will show you how to plug all your muscle building desires into the muscle mass formula. Just plug your information into the formula and BOOM!, your body is instantly transformed right before your eyes.

Get Big - Sample Workout 1 by Morris Mendez

Workout 1 focuses on the basic movements. Use heavy weight for this workout and use good form on all lifts. These exercises are at the heart of any good muscle-building program. The same is true for the weight training exercises. Don't take a look at a champion's precontest weight-training regimen as a model for your mass-building program.

As an example, Lee Labrada now uses a different exercise than the bench press for his chest, but he does state that the bench press has its place in the regimen of any beginning bodybuilder aiming to build size.

Get Big - Sample Workout 1 This kind of workout can be divided into two sessions. In fact it is best to split this workout into two separate sessions to fully recuperate also to completely utilize the body's capacity to give attention to only a few muscles per workout.

It is much better to target all of your intensity on a few heavy-duty exercises rather than on one long work out which will quickly burn you out and lower into the growth capabilities. The full workout should be performed once every 5 or 6 days. If you do go with the split, you could perform half the workout on one day, take a few days off, then perform the other half of the workout.

Rest 2 or 3 days, then repeat the cycle. The best approach would be to work the squat and the deadlift on individual workouts since having both in one workout treatment is not wise. Work with the squat plus two other exercises in one workout, and use the deadlift and three other exercises in the 2nd work out.

Mental Focus and Workout 1 EXERCISES

The mind plays an important role in all aspects of training the body, and it is especially crucial when working with the heavy weights necessary for muscle mass. You don't want to waste time in the gym and you certainly don't want to get an injury.

Use your mind during the workout also - don't leave it in the car or locker room. Make your mind take control when your body wants to quit. Override the pain factor by pushing yourself a little further before you quit.

The workout 1 Exercises

  • Bench presses - 3 to 4 sets, 6 to 10 rep range
  • Military Press - 2 sets, 5 to 8 rep range
  • Weighted dips - 2 sets, 10 rep range
  • Heavy curls - 3 sets, 6 to 10 rep range
  • Deadlifts - 2 sets, 5 to 8 rep range
  • Squats - 2 sets, 10 to 20 rep range
  • Stiff-leg deadlifts - 2 to 3 sets, 10 to 15 rep range

Always warm up extensively before starting. Focus on lifting the weights in a smooth groove. Use heavy enough weights so the last two repetitions are extremely hard to manage (make certain you have a spotter, if possible, for all strong lifting, especially for heavy bench presses and squats). Once again, if you split the workout into two distinct sessions ensure you get at least a couple of days rest between each.

Use Workout 1 for 3 or 4 weeks steady. If you are pushing yourself and eating and resting right, you will notice a definite increase in your body size.

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